How to Schedule a Service Appointment in Lubbock, TX?
We should take proper care of our vehicles to ensure they continue to perform well for many more years. There could occur situations where you cannot handle the issue by yourself and will have to take your vehicle to a service center. We have you covered at Carizma Motors. Continue reading to find out how to schedule a service appointment in Lubbock, TX.
Schedule a Service Appointment at Carizma Motors
To schedule a service appointment, you must fill out a form that is available on the dealership’s website. Provide your contact details alongside information regarding your car, like its year, make, model, and trim. Also, mention the issue faced by your vehicle and submit the form. Our dealership representative will get in touch with you to confirm the appointment at your convenience or at the nearest available date.
Read More: Where Can I Service my Vehicle in Lubbock, TX?
We are a dedicated team of highly trained technical staff who will conduct a thorough vehicle inspection to identify any repair or service needs. All necessary replacement, maintenance, and repair work will be completed to ensure the smooth performance of your car. We use state-of-the-art service equipment to provide proper care for your vehicle and help it perform to its potential.

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If you are in the Lubbock, TX region, drop by Carizma Motors, located at 5613 Frankford Avenue, and let our technicians take a glance at your vehicle. We will gladly address any queries you may have regarding your car or its service needs.
Feel free to contact us at 806-712-2279 for further assistance.
We look forward to seeing you soon!