Category Archives: Tips and Tricks

Ram 1500 pulling a trailer

Successfully tow your trailer to your destination!

Five towing tips for summer 2020

Can you believe that it is already the middle of July? It feels like the year 2020 has blinked and gone by yet dragged on at the same time. Even though it is the middle of the summer, it is never too late to start thinking about purchasing a new toy to use the second half of the summer. If you decide to purchase a new toy, we have five towing tips for summer 2020 for you! Check them out below.

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test driving a car

Time for a new vehicle! Would it be better to lease or buy it?

Should I buy or lease my next vehicle?

It is time for a new vehicle. One idea that you have been toying with is leasing a vehicle. But this has led to the question of, “Should I buy or lease my next vehicle?” While we certainly cannot tell you what to do because this is a very personal decision, we certainly can explore both options a bit more. Below, you will find more information about both leasing a vehicle and purchasing a vehicle.

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F-150 payload

Learn more about payload capacity and why you should stay under the weight limit!

What happens if you exceed payload capacity?

If you work in the trades or need a bigger vehicle for work, your best option will always be a truck. It has the ability to carry a lot of weight in the bed as well as tow more weight behind it. But, what happens if you exceed payload capacity on accident? You have come to the right place to find out!

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a flat tire

Learn How to Change a Flat Tire with These Easy Steps

How to Change a Flat Tire 

Running into a flat tire, whether while driving or when getting ready to get out on the road, can put a major damper on your day. What can make this situation even worse is if you don’t know how to change a tire by yourself. This quick guide from Carizma Motors is here to help you learn how to change a flat tire with just a few easy steps. So, buckle in and get ready to find out how to change a flat tire so the next time you’re caught with a flat you don’t need to search around for a phone to call for help.  

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cleaning seats of a car

How Do I Clean Spilled Coffee in My Car?

How to Remove Coffee Stains From Your Car

Have you ever spilled a cup of coffee all over your car’s seat while running late to work? If so, then you already know how frustrating that can be. In those cases, acting fast is fundamental to avoid the coffee drying on the surface and leaving a persistent stain. But which is the best way to do it? Check out the following video by Autoblog and find out how to remove coffee stains from your car in no time.

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Chevy Silverado towing

Compare All-Wheel Drive vs Four-Wheel Drive

What are the Differences Between AWD and 4WD?

If you have been in the market for a used automobile, especially a truck or an SUV, you have likely seen the terms all-wheel drive (AWD) and four-wheel drive (4WD) thrown around. These days, you will even see these terms for more cars than you might have seen in years past. It is easy to think that they are interchangeable terms, but they are actually a bit different from each other. What are the differences between AWD and 4WD? We break it down below. 

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mechanic checking car from the bottom

Five Car Noises You Should Never Ignore

Common Car Noises and What They Mean

Every time you hear an unfamiliar sound coming from your vehicle, you should pay close attention and try to find out where it comes from, as ignoring it could lead to major trouble. Learning more about some of the most common car noises and what they mean can help you identify future problems and take action before they turn into costly repair bills. Below is a quick rundown of the most common car sounds and helpful tips on what to do about them.

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broken car

These Are the Warning Signs in Your Car You Shouldn’t Ignore

Top 5 Signs Your Car is Dying

Everyone that has ever owned a vehicle for a long period of time knows that maintenance is a regular occurrence. However, there are certain symptoms you should be paying attention to in order to decide if its time for a replacement. Be it a coughing smoke or a clanky noise, some signs may suggest your aging car is in big trouble. The following video, created by Roadshow, illustrates the top 5 signs your car is dying. Watching it will help you consider if the repair bill is worth it or it might be time for a change.

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2016 Chevy Volt sideview

How Often Do I Need to Drive My Car During COVID-19 Quarantine?

How to Maintain Your Car During COVID-19 Lockdown

Since the state of Texas issued the stay-at-home order to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, many residents are driving less. Although car maintenance might not be top of mind these days, paying attention to your vehicle if you aren’t using it as much as usual is important. Letting a car sit for prolonged periods of time can cause permanent damage and lead to expensive repair bills. Fortunately, by following a few simple steps you can keep your car in a good condition. Keep reading to learn how to maintain your car during COVID-19 lockdown.

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