used car lot

Let us help get started on buying a used car, truck or SUV

Tips for Buying a Used Car 

Buying a car isn’t something that should be an impulse purchase. The team at Carizma Motors is here to help people through the hardest parts of the process, including finding financing. Over the years we’ve found the best tips for buying a used car almost always center around education and solid financial planning. Carizma Motors is a buy here, pay here dealership, meaning we really focus on people with less-than-perfect credit situations. However, we still encourage people to get their credit situation as cleaned up as possible before buying a vehicle. If you’re completely lost about where to start your journey toward buying a pre-owned vehicle, give these videos a watch and make an appointment with one of our product experts today to have any additional questions answered.   Read the rest of this entry >>

Mechanic checking the vehicle fluid

Automotive fluid leaks are a sign of bad things to come

What is leaking from my car? 

There are several different kinds of fluids necessary to run a vehicle. When one or more of those fluids start appearing outside of the vehicle, that is almost certainly a sign that something bad is happening. If you’re wondering, ‘What is leaking from my car,’ the automotive experts at Carizma Motors are here to help. For the most part, the three most common fluid leaks will be motor oil, engine coolant/antifreeze or transmission fluid. Knowing what you’re looking at can help you figure out the problem and how difficult or expensive it will be to repair. Let’s take a look at some information that you might be interested in knowing.  Read the rest of this entry >>

car in snow

Buying snow tires might seem tempting right now, but read this first

Should I buy snow tires for my car in Texas? 

Texas is a wonderful state filled with great people. However, we are not set up for snow. If our northern friends want tips for beating hot, humid days, we can help. Drop a few inches of snow and ice on us and we are unprepared. After dealing with a week of these nearly unprecedented conditions, a lot of people have been asking us, ‘Should I buy snow tires for my car in Texas?’ This is an interesting question because snow tires are absolutely outstanding at doing what they are designed to do. However, given the general infrequency of meaningful snowfall in Texas, going this route might be overkill. Our team did a little homework to be able to give people the best possible information on this subject. Let’s take a look at what they found.  Read the rest of this entry >>

A stock photo of some people completing a deal.

A co-signer can be useful, but there are risks to be aware of

What does a co-signer do for a car loan? 

Very few people are going to be able to come up with several thousand dollars to buy a car, truck or SUV. Most Carizma Motors customers are not only coming to our dealership with the goal of buying a new (to them) vehicle but also looking for the most affordable financing options available to them. One of the ways someone with a low credit score can find a loan is to have another person with a higher credit profile act as a co-signer. So, what does a co-signer do for a car loan? A co-signer isn’t a character reference. Someone acting in this role is essentially promising to take over the payments if the primary borrower falls behind on the load. Let’s take a closer look at a few other helpful pieces of information.  Read the rest of this entry >>