Life is not always a cakewalk. A lot of things can happen, and oftentimes your path to financial success or stability is not a straight and narrow one, but rather, a path that is filled with twists and turns here and there. Sometimes, for any number of reasons, your credit can take a hit. Maybe you had some unexpected medical expenses that drained your savings account. Maybe a bill fell behind the counter and was missed, causing a late payment. Whatever the case may be, when you have bad credit, that can hinder you from getting approved for loans or getting a low interest rate. You’ll want to do what you can to get your credit score back up, so we put together a few tips for how to raise your credit from bad to good.
Yes, it can! At Carizma Motors, we can work with people who have bad credit or no credit as a buy here pay here dealership, since our financing is done in-house, and we don’t need to worry about a third party getting involved. We’ll find a payment plan that works for you, and with that plan, your on-time payments can start getting your credit score on the up and up. Contact us today or apply online to get the process started!
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